In this reference section you will find an assortment of articles to sift through.  They are not in any particular progression of subject matter or chronological order, but rather they are simply independent entries for your reading and study enjoyment.  Click on an article title below to jump to each separate lesson. 

(#1)  Luke 21:26 The Powers of Heaven -- Two Meanings

(#2)  No Rapture in the Bible

(#3)  Locating The Antichrist (part one)

(#4)  Locating The Antichrist (part two)

(#5)  Pants on Women -- What the Bible says.

(#6)  Oaths, Promises, Swearing, Vows

(#7)  Ruth of Moab, ISRAELITE Ancestor of Jesus Christ

(#8)  Yahweh Works Through The Elect By Prayer

(#9)  Jesus Christ Did Not Establish Churches

(#10)  The Commemorative Wine: Alcohol or Grape Juice?

(#11)  "Christian" Communalism and the Communist State

Water Baptism Prologue (Baptism to "contact God" is Babylonian/Jewish/Roman)

(#12)  Water Baptism: Symbol of the Faith (Part One)

(#13)  Water Baptism: Symbol of the Faith (Part Two)

(#14)  Water Baptism: Symbol of the Faith (Part Three)

(#15)  21 Century American Slaves:  Want To Meet Your Legal Clone?  (Part One)

(#16)  21 Century American Slaves:  Want To Meet Your Legal Clone?  (Part Two)

(#17)  21 Century American Slaves:  Want To Meet Your Legal Clone?  (Part Three)

(#18)  21 Century American Slaves:  Want To Meet Your Legal Clone?  (Part Four)

(#19)  1611 KJV Copyright

(#20) Calvin - Cauvin - Cauuin - Cohen? Who was John Calvin? (article research still in progress)

(#21) Who Are The Israelites? (by Emry)

(#22)  Tracing Our Ancestors (by Haberman)  This is a web link to an online book.  Use your return arrow to load this page again

(#23)  The reality of ‘black on black’ slavery in Africa 17-1800’s

(#24)  Fall of the Angelic Estate: Lessons from the Book of Jude (PDF)

(#25)  Revelation 12:9 --  The true Scriptural Satan that was "cast out". (It's not the Devil of the churches)

(#26)  The Madmen of Gadera -- Pastor Mark Downey sets forth the real account of "Jesus, the demons, the swine".

(#27)  Obama's "Long Form" Hawaiian Birth Certificate - Busted

(#28)  Update on #27 above, Tech notes on OCR scanning and the main stream media spin

More articles here (link)