The Scriptures and history confirm that "The Name"

would travel through three languages ---

 "...that in the mouth of two or three witnesses EVERY WORD may be established." (Mat.18:16; Deut.19:15; II Cor.13:1)

1. Paleo Saxon Phoenician "Hebrew"     2. Ancient Greek     3. English

John 1:1 - -  In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.


  Saxon Israel's westward migration carried the Name with them through their lands and languages > > >

                                       IHCOYC                     JESUS 

                   Paleo Hebrew - Yahvah - "Self Emanating Life/Breath"            1st Century Greek - EeAaSooce - "Yahvah Salvation"        English - JeeSus - "Yahvah Salvation"

                                                                                     (Contrary to some faulty doctrines, the name Jesus is NOT derived from Zeus)



However, a pagan Roman/Tyrian deity name has crept into our written Scriptures being the word "LORD".  This ministry  is not a "Sacred Name Ministry" which theology carries hair splitting of words to the unnecessary extreme. However in this instance a study pertaining to this particular word "LORD" does warrant explanation and awareness. Roman armies carried this pagan deity name up and into the British Isles where it became infused into the native English language and later inserted into the King James Version Bible of 1611!  Check out the info below:

NEW PAGE LINK ADDITION ! >> [Click here for added extra study link: ENGLISH LANGUAGE STUDY ON THE WORD "LORD"]

Just one new example: "LORD" means "a crooked or deformed person". Don't believe it?  See this > 

 Why has "church dogma" strangely evolved to call Our Savior King by this designation?  Is there a purpose in leading Christians to pray to a god who needs help?

Weigh out the new and additional evidence, then draw your own conclusion.



Main YHVH study is below:


<Back to Home                            Technical note:  If all the manuscript pics do not open hit your "refresh button" to reopen the page again to load them.


"God's" Name  -- More facts for Scripture students:

First and foremost it is much more important to have a proper relationship

with our Maker and King than it is to be frustrated over an exact name pronunciation

of ancient Hebrew alphabet letters which geographic dialect accents are long lost to our tongue.

With that in mind let's proceed in our search for the portion of The Name which "YHVH" has revealed

to our comprehension at this stage of our childhood growth into the divine family.



 "Hebrew" Texts (Paleo - Phoenician - ancient Greek);  Masoretic viewed as well; and Greek Septuagint Texts (actual photos included!)



1. Yahweh our Y'hshua (Early "Hebrew" of Saxon Phoenician Origin)

(First Revealed Name under the Older Scriptures)

called the "I AM Everliving" - ( I AM is He who always saves us NOW, Ex. 3:14,15.  We are not able to have access to anything or anybody in our past or future.  We exist in "the now" and this is where our God is -- in the timeless immediacy of I AM -- in "THE NOW")

Saxon researchers - don't discount the Name YHVH simply because it is used in the Masoretic Text.  

YHVH (Yahvah/Yahweh) is not originally "Jewish". Our ancient Saxon Israel prophets had The Name Yah within their own names:

Isaiah, Elijah, Obadiah, Hezekiah, Nehemiah, Zechariah, etc. all testified that "Yah" is their King.



2. IHCOYC (EeAaSooce) - Messiah's Name of the New Covenant

(Greek Mat.1:21,25; Acts 2:22,3:6; Gal.3:26; Eph.1:5)

Although correctly Yahshua in "Israelite Hebrew", Our Messiah "The Christ" refers to

 Himself by the GREEK (not Hebrew) Alphabet letters as:

(see Revelation 1:8, 1:11, 21:6, 23:13)

Note here:  There was a "J" sound in ancient alphabets contrary to some incomplete teaching on this subject.  The Messiah's name

is more precisely "Jesous" in ancient Saxon early Greek dialect. When a more detailed study is done on this matter a link will be placed here. Thanks.



3. Jesus Christ ( English)

The Messiah/Christ's Name in fulfillment of Yahweh's

promise that Saxon Israel would migrate westward to

a new home and have a new language. (Isa.28:11, 62:2; Gen.28:14)

PROPHETIC RECOGNITION NOTE: To recognize only the name "Yahshua" would deny the glorious Bible promise of Saxon Israel's

 historical westward migration to Europe then to North America as Christians speaking English. (Also then spread globally)

The name Jesus has nothing to do with the Greek name Zeus as some teach.  "Who Is God , Part III-- Son"; click here for extra study.

As the Holy Spirit revealed understanding, both Yahshua and Jesus are correct in our ancient Saxon and modern Saxon languages.



Thus the Scriptures and history confirm that "The Name"

would travel through three languages ---

 "...that in the mouth of two or three witnesses EVERY WORD may be established." (Mat.18:16; Deut.19:15; II Cor.13:1)

1. Paleo Saxon Phoenician "Hebrew"    2. Ancient Greek    3. English


John 1:1 - -  In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.

[Graphics above copyright by "The Whytehouse" 

and may not be recopied for any reason]







Rev.19:1  "And after these things I heard a great voice of much people in heaven, saying, Allelu-ia (Praise YAH -YHVH - Yahweh) ; Salvation, and glory, and honour, and power, unto the Sovereign our God".

The ancient Saxon prophets had The Name Yah within their own names:

Isaiah, Elijah, Obadiah, Hezekiah, Nehemiah, Zechariah, etc. all testified that "Yah" is their King.

The fact that desert heathens and Masorite jews later copied the name YHVH in an attempt to work magic

does not negate the origin of the meaning as being Saxon Israelitish, as our Creator and Father alone has Self Emanating Life Breath (YHVH)



Main Study Thesis:

LORD or YHVH? Exhaustive References with pics uploaded for your studies:

     Everyone is known by their name. Not only do each of us have a name by which we are called, but the Bible tells us that "God" too has a personal name upon which we may call for prayer, worship, intercession for others, and thanks. "God" declares, "My people shall know my name" (Isaiah 52:6) Since He makes this statement, don't you think it to be a reasonable endeavor to find out exactly what "God's" name is? How else can we know the all powerful, all merciful, all just, all loving Creator, except that we gain at least an elementary understanding of who  He is and what He wants us to call Him? (For the sake of this specific topic we will refer to the "masculine authority attributes" of The Almighty thus rightfully calling God "Him", although the Bible makes compelling reference to the feminine nature of the triune Creator as well, a study best left for another article) 

      If we desire sincere communication with The Almighty we must take care that we don't call Him by the wrong name, or worse, by a derogatory name. Furthermore, have you been led by the councils of man made religion to pray to THE LORD? Do you and your church friends repeat the words "praise the Lord" or "the Lord bless you"? If so, you should be aware from this day forward  that those who do so are unintentionally participating in idol worship, because the name of the "God" of the Bible is not ,THE LORD. The religion of "the Lord" is not Biblical faith, but rather it is a close religious counterfeit posing as Christianity and deceiving millions through its many false doctrines.  The main thrust of the religion of "The Lord" is that of a lawless religion which  permits "feel good" emotionalism to rule over one's life upon supposedly "accepting Christ" , instead of disciplining the carnal mind to be obedient to the righteous laws of Our Heavenly Father. "The Lord" based religion has intentionally or unintentionally misapplied the Biblical meaning of GRACE in light of the LAW.

     The name "Lord" actually comes from the ancient Hebrew name "Baal". Baal is the name of an ancient Babylonian, Phoenician, and Tyrian heathen deity. Look up the word Baal in any reputable older Bible dictionary and you will be amazed to find it translates to the English word "Lord". In English Bibles it is seen written in capitals (LORD) and small letters (Lord), but both of these, when vocalized, sound the same in prayer without distinction to the ear. Prayers to The Lord are in reality prayers to Baal, a false god. When one says, "Praise The Lord" they are saying "Praise Baal." Calling Jesus Christ "Lord" is calling Him Baal. Words transmit our inner beliefs, and attaching personal names to them make them even more dynamic!

     Preachers of "the Lord" do not teach the real Gospel presented in the Bible, the Gospel of the Kingdom (government) of The Almighty. Below are examples of quite available (but never mentioned) reference sources showing that the names Lord and Baal are indeed synonymous and refer to the pagan god BAAL.

See #5: "Baal, I.E. = Lord --  the name of an idol of certain Tyrian Phoenicians,

  it was their domestic and principle deity -"




For a clearer picture of these photos right click on them then click 'refresh picture quality'

 Above source Westminster Dictionary of the Bible, 1944 edition, page 53

     As shown in the Gesenius Lexicon reference column  above, Baal (The Lord) was also known as the Roman god Jupiter and the Greek Hercules. Why then are American churches praying to this ancient pagan god of anti-Bible religions? To learn the answer we must go back many centuries to see how and why "God's" real name has been suppressed.

     Since the days of Abel's murder by Cain there have been people who hate the commandments of Yahweh, the Everliving Creator.  These people have waged constant war against those who love Yahweh and obey His laws for the family and nation. At times these wars have been by method of violence, at other times by mental deception. The enemies of Yahweh have been known as  humanists, occultists, communists, socialists, Talmudists, and several other names. By whatever name during history, one thing is certain ... the activist fringe of Yahweh's enemies persistently strive for world domination through the control of nations , finance, and religion. The primary defense against the tyranny of these wicked ones is for Yahweh's people to know His name and to live by His laws, confessing their failures (sins) to that lawful obedience with a contrite heart.

    The Bible reveals that it is the job of the clergy to teach "God's" Name, His laws, and His grace to the people. It is the ambition of the wicked to control the clergy and remove both the name of "God" and His laws from the minds of the people. This has been a long standing tactic of the enemies of Yahweh.  We read from The Scriptures that long ago evil King Jeroboam of Israel "made priests of the lowest of people." (I Kings 12:31) These priests soon defiled the land with idol worship. Again, in I Kings 18 we read how Queen Jezebel commissioned priests of Baal to secure her reign of power. These priests of "the Lord" convinced the public to follow their religion instead of obeying Yahweh's laws. Yahweh intervened by sending His prophet Elijah to expose these priests for the charlatans they were.

     Both the prophets Ezra (2:61-63) and Nehemiah (7:61-65) tell of aliens who infiltrated the true priesthood in order to control the people and the land. We also remember that in the days of Jesus Christ it was the religious leaders who had Him crucified. This certainly is not to condemn all clergy, only to point out that there is an historical track record of wicked men intentionally entering the religious institutions for the purpose of manipulating the lives and money of the people. On many occasions they have worked hand in hand with ambitious politicians who wield another powerful sword over the people -- that of statutory law. The Bible alerts us to the reality that evildoers do exist:

     "For among my people are found wicked men, they lay wait, as he setteth snares, they set a trap, they catch men, as a cage is full of birds so are their houses full of deceit: therefore they are become great, and waxen rich."  (Jeremiah 5:26,27)

     Suppressing Yahweh's name from His people is THE cornerstone of this deceit, for how may we know what He requires of us if we don't even know who He is? And what answer do we have in prayer while prayers are said to Baal, the Lord?  It's no wonder people seem to have trouble "getting prayers answered" with answers coming in drops of mercy from above because Our Father has compassion on our ignorance.  The heavy outpouring of blessings promised by Yahweh to His children can only be expected when Yahweh's Holy Name will receive the honor due.  We must give glory to Yahweh Almighty in the answers of prayer , not glory in the Lord God, for Yahweh says, "I am Yahweh: that is my name: and my glory will I not give to another, neither my praise to graven images." Isaiah 42:8

     Around 605 BC certain Jewish priests began a strange tradition claiming that "God's" name was so Holy that it should never be spoken. Yet the Old Testament contains the true name of "God" nearly 7000 times. This name was given to Moses by The Almighty Himself in Exodus 3:15.  In Hebrew it is literally pronounced Yah Vah. in Paleo-Hebrew it is probably pronounced Yah-Wah, while in our English dialect we pronounce it Yahweh without any loss of meaning. Since the original Hebrew had no vowels we may write the Most High Name in consonants as YHVH.

     This name YHVH has the connotation of "self existing and the only giver of life." This is the important meaning to grasp as this can apply to no other being in the universe. It was Yahweh who gave Moses hundreds of laws that if followed would provide for a strong, peaceful, and prosperous nation. What this amounted to was a guideline for honest rulership (government) where there was no room for political or religious thievery. But greed and envy are never far behind when prosperity flourishes. In order to maintain control of the people and their goods, the corrupt priesthood realized that obedience to Yahweh and His laws must be eliminated from the values of the population. The first step would obviously be to remove "God's" real name from the national vocabulary. This they did by revising the manuscripts of the Holy Word. Wherever the name Yahweh appeared, the priests ordered the scribes to write another word in its stead. But if the name Baal would have been immediately used it would have caused a holy rebellion in the land of ancient Israel. At first the name Yahweh was replaced with the word Adonay, a generic Chaldean word also meaning SOVEREIGN/POWERFUL, but not quite as specific as Baal/LORD. Gradualism always works better than abrupt revolution if you are trying to achieve a nonviolent yet effective change. In any event, praying to Yahweh was out, and praying to Adonay/Baal/Lord gained the gradual acceptance of the worshipping community.

     In a very short time Baal worship along with the influence of other pagan religions had completely supplanted obedience to Yahweh's laws and the revering of His Most High Name. Yahweh Himself had much to say about this practice:

     "Seest thou not what they do in the cities of Judah and in the streets of Jerusalem? The children gather wood and the fathers kindle fire and the women knead dough, to make cakes to the queen of heaven, and to pour out drink offerings unto other gods, that they provoke me to anger." (Jeremiah 7:17,18)

     "My name continually every day is blasphemed" (Isaiah 52:5)


    Our Heavenly Father explained to His children through His written Word that the degrading of His Holy Name is the first step which eventually leads to a degrading of the social structure. It's a cause and effect happening, typical of falling dominoes. First THE NAME falls, then THE DIVINE LAWS fall, then THE SOCIETY FALLS, one after the other. To prevent this from occurring we are warned by Yahweh to take diligent care in honoring His name which ultimately stands for His authority and the only source of life.

     "and in all things I have said unto you be circumspect: and make no mention of the names of other gods, neither let it be beard out of thy mouth." (Exodus 23:13)

     "Be ye therefore courageous ... come not among those nations (pagan) neither make mention of the name of their gods, nor cause to swear by them.. but cleave unto Yahweh your God .." (Joshua 23:6-8)

     Today not only does "Christian" America make mention of other gods in searching New Age book shelves trying to tap into Eastern mysticism "prayer power";  but they habitually pray to "The Lord" (Baal) using Sunday church and the Bible to do it! The various denominational hierarchies have known the original language Bible writings on this subject for centuries but refuse to enlighten the people. Can we then surmise that today's seminaries are indoctrinating our young clergy into Baal worship, instead of correct Bible teachings? Yahweh foresaw this day and demands an answer:

     "How long shall this be in the hearts of the prophets (religious leaders) that prophecy (teach) lies? yea, they are prophets of the deceit of their own heart; which think to cause my people to forget my name by their dreams which they tell every man to his neighbor, as their fathers have forgotten my name FOR BAAL, " (Jeremiah 23:26,27)

     In other words, Yahweh says, "Your fathers forgot my name for that of The Lord, and now you too have forgotten my name for that of The Lord, just as they." More importantly, we must understand that a "curse" is attached to this irresponsible action. "Their sorrows shall be multiplied that hasten after another god.." (Psalm16:4) The first commandment says, "I am Yahweh thy God, thou shalt have no other gods before me". If a minister can't correctly get past the first commandment, should a person think it wise to trust him on the rest of his theology? The Apostle Paul tells us that we can make no compromise with idol worship:

"... and what fellowship hath righteousness with unrighteousness? and what communion hath light with darkness? And what concord hath Christ with Belial .. And what agreement hath the temple of God with idols?" (II Corinthians 6:14-16)  There are those who attempt a partial break with the pagan past by calling upon Yahweh,yet only by attaching Baal's name to the Holy Name.  These refer to Yahweh as The Lord, which is an oxymoron.  Yahweh can not be The Lord because The Lord is Baal.

     Yahweh Almighty promised that He would stop the blasphemy of His name in the latter days in order that His people might call upon Him and relearn His laws for the saving of their nation:

"... and it shall be at that day saith Yahweh, that thou shalt call me Ishi (male authority/husband) and shalt no more call me BAALI (the Lord)." (Hosea 2:16) The King James Bible itself used by ardent Baal (Lord) worshippers even shows Baali here to be "lord" in its column footnote. Modern KJV center column Bibles have removed this note.  Below is a copy of an early KJV text of Hosea chapter 2:16 along with the column notes.  In the Hebrew literal translation, Hosea 2:16 says, "And it shall be at that day,saith Yahweh, thou shalt call me authority husband, and shalt call me no more The Lord."  See how this was switched in the KJV and only a hint of the meaning relegated to the column.  It appears that several issues of theology were indirectly attempted to be corrected by some, but not all,  of the 1611 King James translators.  In those days if an honest translator of Bible manuscripts discovered something that went against the grain of the state "Christian" religion, it could cost him his head if he were to expose it directly.  Fear of religious heresy played a part as to why we have misleading English Bible versions today.


      Before English Church translators tampered with the text, a precise language concordant translation of the above verse, Hosea 2:16 would read:

      "And it shall be at that day, saith YAHWEH (The Everliving), that thou shalt call me "Authority", and shall call me no more "My Lord".

     One cannot begin to know the higher treasures of the Scriptures without taking the first step to learn "God's" personal name. Without petitioning the name of Yahweh and getting "The Lord" out of the heart, one will be searching the Scriptures as if in muddy waters with limited visibility.   Jesus Christ is not "the Lord" as promoted by the TV evangelists. Jesus (Yahshua) the Christ is YAHWEH come in the flesh as our kinsman redeemer, and we Christians descended from Isaac are the physical descendants of Biblical Israel.  Upon these two pillars of truth stands Jesus Christ's Kingdom message. Let the words of Elijah the prophet be repeated today. "How long halt ye between two opinions? if Yahweh be God, follow Him; but if Baal (the Lord), then follow him." (I Kings 18:21)


It's time for Christian America

to remember the Name of "God" !!




(EXODUS 3:15)  He is the "I AM" and always exists in the NOW for us. (Exodus 3:14)


But there's even more

so let's continue ....


[above source: Westminster Desk Dictionary of the English language]


     Should our Savior be defined in terms that legally describes  a "feudal superior"?  The Bible teaches that Jesus Christ is our King and Supreme Ruler. The term "Lord" is a feudal designation for someone who is not King, but an inferior administrator under a King in a governmental system which operates by rules of men instead of Divine Law. If Jesus Christ is "Lord", then who is the King?  It is by subtle trickery with semantics that we get trapped into desecrating the name and position of our Savior. We are to be forever on guard against this sort of subversion of our faith.

     Moreover, in a Biblical sense the implication of the title "lord" applies to a slave master or owner who dominates a pagan cult. It could also apply to a false god or to a tribal chieftain.

[Above source: The Dictionary of the Bible (Mckenzie), 1977 edition,page 72]

    The primary meaning of "Baal" is always that of "Lord" as the above and other language study concordances reveal.  The common use of the title was within cult practices of pagan religions.  Although the McKenzie definition refers to this use as being the "most common", the title Baal did achieve the status of a personal name later in the course of religious history as we have seen in the case of Elijah the prophet contending with the Baal priests (I Kings 18);  Balak and Balaam at the high places of Baal (Numbers 22:41);the Israelites forsaking Yahweh and serving Baal (Judges 2:13); etc.  Will you pray for well meaning Christians so that they refrain from succumbing to the name and doctrines of the modern Baal temples?  America needs your help in this manner!



The most probable pronunciation of "God's" Name examined.

(but the meaning is more important than attempting a lost "Hebrew" dialect pronunciation)

[Note: Since nobody sound recorded the precise dialect of the Paleo Hebrew language  spoken by Moses at the time He received "God's" name we can not be sure of the exact verbal pronunciation.  What IS important is knowing that the Most High Name is derived from the Hebrew letters YOD HAY VAUV HAY which impart the idea of "self emanating life" of the one and only Creator and covenant God.  The attempt to "find" the exact pronunciation of YOD  HAY VAUV HAY leads us into sorcery with its fixation on incantations for so called magical purposes.  It is the heart felt meaning of YHVH's name that changes a person on the inside, not striving like a well trained parrot to mimic a precise sound in the manner of a trick.]

  6th century A.D. Hebrew scripts common to the Massoretic Text shows the four letter (tetragramaton) writing of "God's Name" as follows:

   An important concern to discuss.  Since the Masorets were literally non Israelite "Jewish" scholars promoting much of their own doctrine do we then discard the Tetragrammaton YHVH because some view YHVH as a being a "Jewish pagan god"?  No -- this would not be a correct position to take as "the Jews" copied many things and words from our Paleo Hebrew Saxon ancestors.  Mainly, "the Jews" won't mention YHVH anyway but instead say "Ha -Shem" (The name).  The Masorets also mention and use other original Scripture text words such as "Israel", "Elohim", "Judah", "Spirit", "Adam", "Kingdom", "Prophet", etc. but we aren't about to toss out all of those words simply because we find them in the Masorteic Text.  "The Jews", as did other heathen or pagan religions, copied references to Israel's God YHVH simply because the fame of Israel's God had spread far and wide with many non Israelite people trying to "tap into" the power of our King.  Of course His Name, or any meaning of His Name, is not available for their corrupt intentions, but try they always will to steal anything they can to further their various deceptions.  History records that the ancient Saxon divinity Name YHVH made it all the way to North America.  The God of the ancient migrating Israel Saxons was/is YHVH: (below)

   The pre-6th century Paleo Hebrew script shown in one of it's several dialects has the same four corresponding letters written as:

The American Northern Continent "YAHWEH" (YHVH) along with Saxon Israel's Ten Commandments

as found at the site of the "10 Commandment Inscription Stone" at Los Lunas, New Mexico, USA, dated at

100 B.C. (or older) and definitely long before Columbus' voyage. This example of "western Paleo Hebrew" also provides 

proof that Israelites visited America long before Columbus. Their God was YHVH -The Everliving.  (Arrow points

to the Saxon Israelite 10 Commandment Paleo Tetragrammaton Name same as above )

More recent proof has solidified the ancient American Israelite text as being original to Saxon Israelite seafarers. > Comment link


"YAHWEH" as written in "Palestine Paleo Hebrew"

typical of middle east depictions of the four letter Tetragrammaton.



Below is a section of a Dead Sea Scroll, Psalm 119:59-64.

This Scripture parchment is about 2000 years old from Qumran, MiddleEast.

The arrow shows the four Paleo Hebrew letters of the Tetragrammaton, YHW(V)H.



What about Septuagint versions??

Yes, earliest Septuagint version contained the Tetragrammaton YHVH !!

 See below: 

Above from an early copy of the Septuagint (50 B.C.).

The black arrow indicates a slightly different Paleo Hebrew

era of the four letters "yod - hay - vauv - hay".  This mention

of Yahweh is from the "Minor Prophets" collection of the

Septuagint.  Nearly none of the Septuagints before the 2nd century AD

have the word "Kurios" (Greek for 'Lord') substituted for "Yahweh".

For more actual photos of the Paleo "Hebrew" YHVH appearing in

Greek Septuagint Versions from 1st Century B.C. - 2nd Century A.D.

click these links (use your "back arrow" to return here)

1. Septuagint photo "a"

2. Septuagint photo "b"

3. Septuagint photo "c"



    Note 1:  All of the above ancient depictions of the Holy Name of "God" show the Name to be derived from the four letter equivalent in English "YHVH" containing the Hebrew meaning of "breathing self existence and self emanating life".  It is quite possible that these "consonants" were used as vowels within the ancient pre-Hebrew alphabet so that YHVH would be the somewhat equivalent of "ee-eh-oo-eh" to our tongue.  The fact is, it's not worth debating the issue of "precise pronounciation" when all that is accomplished is for all parties to spin their wheels when it comes to the "exact" vocalization of YHVH.    The issue is whether we worship the Creator God of ETERNAL LIFE AND BREATH (to be imparted at the day of resurrection by Jesus to those of His in the graves) or if we worship Baal the "Lord god" of man made religion.


     Presented below is an illustrative alphabet from the Universal Pronouncing Dictionary of Biography and Mythology, by, Joseph Thomas, M.D., LL.D., New Third Edition Thoroughly Revised and brought up to 1901. Philadelphia: J.B. Lippincott Co., London: 36 Southhampton St., Covent Garden.

     First, we will notice in the ANCIENT HEBREW ALPHABET that the 6th letter is Vav or Vauv = V, not W. Next, in GREEK, V when used as a VOWEL, Upsilon, it is pronounced as oo-u. But, THIRD, when this same letter is used as a consonant in GREEK, it is pronounced like OUR V.

     Scholars have concluded from archeological finds that after the 6th century the Hebrew Vauv was pronounced "v", but before this time (in the Paleo Hebrew area) the Vauv was pronounced with the power of the "W" or "ooaa".  We might therefore consider either Yahvah or Yahweh has both closely correct pronunciations but of different dialect eras.



   YAHVAH or YAHWEH = The Living God of Self Life



Yod Hay Vauv Hay (YHVH) = to be, living, breathe

(Gesenius' reference pg. 337,219, excerpts below)



     The below paragraph is an excerpt from the preface of The Restoration of Original Sacred Name Bible, but within cites other positive explanatory sources. It is yet another reference which clearly shows that the meaning and translation of "God's" name from the original languages is not "The Lord" (Baal).



The Scriptures testify to the importance

of knowing the Holy Name of YHVH

Please remember that arguing over the exact

pronunciation of YHVH is fruitless.  He is our LIFE

and only He gives us BREATH (the intent of "YHVH")

But He is not Baal "The Lord" god of the modern corporate churches.


"I am Yahweh, that is My Name, and My glory to another will I not give.. " (Isaiah 42:8)


"Yahweh .. This is My Name forever, and this My memorial to generation after generation. " (Exodus 3:15)


"Yahweh said.. My people shall know My Name. " (Isaiah 52:3-6)


"What is His Name, and what is His Son's Name if thou canst tell?" (Proverbs 30:4)


"That men may know that Thou whose Name alone is Yahweh, art Most High over all the earth. " (Psalm 83:18)


"Yahshua (Jesus) said I have manifested Thy Name (Yahweh) " (John 17:6,11,12,26)


"I will declare Thy Name unto my brethren.. " (Hebrews 2:12)

Saved by HIS authority!

 "There is no other Name under heaven whereby we must be saved"  (Acts 4:12) - This Name, in Hebrew is Yahvahshua, which means Yahweh is salvation.  It is the authority definition meaning of the Name of Jesus, which may be shortened to Yahshua without loss of meaning if you so chose to use it in Hebrew This name Yahshua was not written into the New Testament.  In the New Testament in its first century Sacred Greek  that name is "Iesous", but retains the same meaning (Yahweh is Salvation).  As to the argument that this should be pronounced "Yeshua" instead of "Yahshua", the point is diminished by the fact that no vowel sounds in the ancient pre-Masoretic "Hebrew text" have been positively identified beyond dispute. The word  "NAME" itself in both Hebrew and Greek means one's rank and authority.  It is our Savior's authority whereby we must be saved.  The hair splitting over a vowel sound has caused many to miss the entire point of this verse.   The saving power is possible by only one authority in the universe (Our Kinsman Redeemer's Authority), not by some perceived infallible pronunciation of His Name. 

 However, this NAME  is JESUS in modern English.  Yes, Yahweh allows you to speak in your own language, much to the dismay of those who insist that contact with "God" must only be in Hebrew, Paleo Hebrew, or Aramaic.  Yah has stated concerning His covenant "For with stammering lips and another tongue [other than Paleo Hebrew] will He speak to this people." (Isaiah 28:11) Make sure that your heart is right with "which JESUS" you refer to when using the Name in prayer.  Again it is not so much  the debate over an explicit pronunciation, as it is THE MEANING THAT MATTERS!  If one is praying to the JESUS of the modern churches there is no authority in the Name.  One's prayer must be through the Name of the JESUS of the Scriptures, the covenant God of Saxon Israel Christendom. Thus, it is to be understood that He (Jesus) is Yahshua, the ancient Israelite name of the Savior, our covenant God. What that covenant is, to whom it was given, and why it was given, is mandatory to grasp before there is a manifestation of salvation from on high.  With the proper meaning clearly understood both names, Yahshua and Jesus, are correct in knowing whose AUTHORITY we call upon.


"A Name (rank of authority) which is above every name.. " (Philippians 2:9,10)


 "His Name and His Father's Name written on their foreheads.. (Revelation 14:1)

End of article.
