This web site effort needs your help to stay on the Internet. A lot of hours are put into the articles of faith, distributing the Sabbath packet (including to those who can't afford the suggested donation), preparing and organizing the Safe Home Awareness & Research Education (S.H.A.R.E.) program, etc. The Word of Truth can only travel as far as your donations permit. Please help if you can. Send your donation of love for the Christian Faith to:
Faith of the Covenant Fellowship
P.O. Box 96
Pearisburg,Virginia 24134
Note: DO NOT send a check. (can't use 'em) DO NOT send a money order. (can't cash 'em) We really DO try to stay out of the world banking system. Your CASH donation sent secured in a letter will help all of us together in witnessing for the Kingdom of Yahweh that has been forgotten by America. (Wrapping your cash donation in aluminum foil and sealing the envelope with scotch tape works just fine for mail security; or use a "two day express" card board large mailer available at the P.O. counter if you feel the need) Thank you, and blessings!!
"Every man according as he purposeth in his heart, so let
him give: .... not grudgingly, or of necessity,
for God loveth a cheerful giver." II Cor. 9:7