There may be a few more pages of pertinent information added to this study some time after the Fall Holy Days this year (2007).    If and when it seems necessary to include the further studies, a notice will be posted on the  Message Board which is accessed from the Home Page.  If you don't have the private password, email us at and we'll send it asap. 

    In conclusion we may finalize our study as follows:

1.  Yahweh's Biblical calendar is not lunar, or soli-lunar, but is solar based only.

2.   All sun oriented calendars are not necessarily Biblical, as several ancient heathen nations had them.

3.  The exact time of the Vernal (Spring) Equinox occurrence itself  is not the starting point of Yahweh's calendar each year, but it is an important point of reference showing which season and which month begins the calendar year.  The Vernal Equinox does not take place on the same time each year.

4.  The Bible clearly commands that the sacred day begins at sunset, and since the Vernal Equinox does not take place at sunset, this further proves point #3 that the Vernal Equinox in and of itself does not start the year. The Vernal Equinox's function is to point us to the first season (Spring) and the first month (Abib). The commanded "day counts" in the Scriptures take care of the rest. The 91st Day Noon to Noon calendar fails to grasp the spiritual wisdom that Yahweh's Sacred Calendar was never Biblically meant to be a solar clock.  Instead Yahweh's blessed calendar is a symbolic picture painted throughout the year that depicts His redemption of Adamkind through Jesus Christ.  The primary understanding of this "calendar symbolic picture" is that we begin in the darkness of our carnal sins, and we are rescued out of that darkness being brought into the light of Yahweh's Eternal Kingdom.  The sacred Israel day begins at sunset as our testimony of agreement with Yahweh on this most basic of spiritual revelations.   "Can two walk together, except they be agreed?" (Amos 3:3)  If this agreement is not initially met by the Sabbath seeker, all else is walking into a subtle death trap of the pagan world calendars, even pagan Sun calendars.

5.  The sacred solar calendar for Israel necessitates that the year starts on the same sunset each year since the Sabbaths and Feast Days are fixed annual memorials held on the same date from year to year.  The only sunset that fulfills this set time and passes all the Bible qualifications is the sunset of March 20th, the start of the  Biblical Month Abib Day One, as commanded by Yahweh.

6.  The sacred day does not begin at Noon which is the high holy time of the Baal priesthood whom Elijah the prophet cut the heads off of 450 such priests.

7.  The Great Pyramid, the sundial of the 91st Day Sabbath belief, is neither an altar, pillar, or sign from Yahweh, but in fact it is a Baal religion sign being a man made hewn stone edifice of ancient stellar divination to the "gods".  Simply because it exhibits some quite amazing math properties, does not automatically equate it with holiness. Due to the fact that it represents a unification of the Ancient World Order going back thousands of years, the Great Pyramid today is still a sign of the New World Order, Illuminati, and world money manipulators.

8.  The "extra day" of the year (the 365th day) is Biblically dealt with and adjusted by Yahweh's appointed adjustment time of Pentecost which is based on the national debt adjustment year of the Jubilee 50th year of a cycle.  A Jubilee is 50 complete years, not 49. Just as the new "week of years" begins anew after the 50th year of Jubilee, so does a "new week" of six work days begin after Pentecost on the calendar each year. The Bible says that both -- the double Sabbath of years on the Jubilee, and the double  two day 48 hour Sabbath at Pentecost, are each counted as A SINGLE SABBATH.  Thus where the yearly calendar is concerned, the "extra day" of the year is "absorbed" into the calendar at this time, and the weekly Sabbath advances one day. (see our printed calendar). 

9.  The Book of Enoch and the Book of Jubilees, if examined more than a surface glance, prove themselves to be uninspired conglomerates of several religious beliefs and legends, and they actually support a Baal Sun Calendar position instead of a Scriptural solar calendar position.  They also work in tandem to deny Yahweh's Jubilee period ( 50th year and week adjustment period).

10.  The 91st Day sun calendar concept has been used and honored by several non Adamic races of people down through history as their sacred religious calendar system.  They gravitate to it naturally because they can not know the ways of Yahweh and never will.

9.  Finally, let's recall that the "extra day" (365th)  may never be Biblically placed as a double Sabbath at the end of the year in conjunction with Vernal Equinox Day.  There is no authority to do so and it is a denial of the Pentecost/Jubilee adjustment period according to Yahweh's good will.  In presuming to adjust the year at the Vernal Equinox, since the Vernal Equinox occurrence varies much from year to year, the 91st Day calendar of Sabbaths will "run off" in a few years and all Sabbath and Feast Day times will be out of sync from Scripture.  It is extremely important for us to grasp the realization that if we use the Vernal Equinox Day itself as an intercalary "Sign day" at the end of the year, it is in effect using that Vernal Equionox day as THE ADJUSTMENT DAY of the year to "absorb" and deal with the 365th 'extra day' (beyond the even 364 days).  This is an attempt to position the  "Vernal Equinox Sign Day" so as to usurp the duty and calling of  Pentecost (Day 5 month 3, 50 days after the Abib Wave Sheaf). It is Pentecost that is the divinely ordained "adjustment day" of the year, which takes place at the lawful "double sabbath" during Pentecost.  This has serious implications as Pentecost represents the day of the Holy Spirit's  intervention with divine help for our mortal mistakes.  The yearly attempted "adjustment day at the Vernal Equinox" exposes the 91st Day Sun Calendars as being void of Holy Spirit in leading Saxon Israel to Yahweh's timely planned salvation.  The adjustment of our mortal errors, both nationally from debt, and carnally from sin, is Biblically on Pentecost/Jubilees (50) all in Yahweh's time and reason, and never at the end of a 365 numbered cycle. "Sign Day Calendars" run contrary to the timely purpose of the Holy Spirit of Yahweh.   Some well meaning folks are simply entering into unlawful waters unaware, but the consequences are deadly.

   The 91st Day calendar promoters have issued an unprovoked challenge to this Fellowship to defend our Sabbath position. They have claimed that the information they have discovered since our Sabbath Lessons were first distributed in the early 1990's reveals the correct solar calendar while the solar calendar we present is false.  We strongly disagree and believe that the 91st Day Sun calendar is Baal worship that leads the flock astray from our Heavenly Father. The preceding articles you have just read comprise our response in defense of Yahweh's Sacred Solar Calendar for Israel as found in the Bible. Hopefully the articles have been written in a clear enough manner to convey to the truth seeker, our Biblical understanding concerning this matter.  At least now the Bible student has the facts to weigh the opposing viewpoints and make his own decision whatever it may be.  May Yahweh bless you in your search for His Truth and in witnessing for His Kingdom.

                                      in YHVH,  Ken & the brothers and sisters at Faith of the Covenant Fellowship 


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